Bolgatanga has become a major source of impeccable talent. One such artiste is Ataman Nikita - a vocal – powerhouse of unmatched quality.
Peace by Dr. Pushkin and Ataman Nikita is a song that explores the themes of inner peace, conflict resolution, and the personal struggle to overcome negativity....
The song stresses the importance of feeling, knowing, and becoming peace, not just wishing for it. The artist's quest for peace is presented as...
The WAWDA Trainers, Helpers, and Performance Judges Camp is a 14-day transformative training program designed to enhance the skills of trainers, helpers, and judges in the...
Imagine being buried alive to create compelling visuals for a music video. That is precisely what Dr Pushkin endured on the set of Empty Grave featuring...
Khaya AI, the premiere platform for African languages, has been named one of five winners at the World Summit Awards (WSA) 2024.
Know your Northern Ghana Parliamentarians recently elected to shape the future of governance and development from 2025 to 2028.
Never Falling is the first single from Ataman Nikita for 2025. This song further cements his stature as a vocal powerhouse with a knack for velvety...