Nautyca’s ‘Nautyfication’ story Widely known for his heart-piercing croon tunes, Nautyca, the acclaimed Ghanaian artiste, releases his inaugural 16-track masterpiece, “Nautyfication” which showcases a stellar lineup...
Knii Lante’s Adiakye Knii Lante, the talented musician, has once again captivated his fans and music lovers with his latest single, ‘Adiakye’. This song takes listeners...
Ghanaian Sensation duo Releases “Party of the Year” Featuring Mr. Drew Ghana’s dynamic music duo, Keche, is all set to ignite the music scene once again...
About the Album from Nsromamusic Known for her exceptional talent and powerful vocals, is ready to captivate audiences once again with her highly anticipated sophomore album,...
Maya Blu Releases ‘Talk Too Much’ Rising female singer, 24th VGMA Unsung Nominee, ‘Sho’ hit maker and Lynx Entertainment signee, Maya Blu, is making waves with...
Tony D, a rising star in the music industry, has just released his latest single “Risk,” produced by the talented DJ Fatrock. This highly anticipated release...
The GAPI & APPRISE deal. The Ghana Association of Phonographic Industry (GAPI) has taken a significant step forward in promoting and distributing the works of its...
Jon Germain Ventures into Fragrances Ghanaian TV/Radio host and singer Jon Germain is gearing up to make a significant mark in the world of fashion and...