The Experiences EP is an embodiment of everything rap and Hip hop. Suffice to say, despite being a musical genre, rap music is a tool that...
Who is Starboy Sarauta? Starboy Saruata is lowkey one of the most prolific musicians from the Upper East Region. Despite his busy schedule as a trained...
Tamale has in recent times caused a lot of eyeballs to roll on Ghana music scene. This is as a result of the achievements of artistes...
This has informed the release of “Africa Cry”, a song that details the canker of slavery currently booming in Libya. The slave markets in Libya are...
From obscurity many seek acceptance in mainstream music; from minority ethnic groups many want to be appreciated as a part of the big whole.
Even though John Q admired the job of a serviceman, music gradually took over is heart, making him resolve to one day pursue music as a...
Admittedly musicians are just like any other brand and so every aspect of their being must be to perfection or at least close to it. This...
Starting his career with a Bolgatanga based record label 7ireblaze, he released several rib cracking demos and mixtapes, which earned him street discipleship leading to the...