W-ell raised to rise against prejudice and walk unchartered paths
O-rganized to replicate order in all social systems
M-eant to maintain the sanctity of humanity
A-rmed with unconditional love to aid the disarmament of the wicked
N-ostalgic about the needs of society and the requirements of this life
She is My Mother
She is Gifty Afoko
And…..She is a woman
It is impossible to think about my life without the mention of the most amazing woman I could ever wish for. Despite my stubbornness and radical approach to life vis-a-vis my aspirations vs. experiences, and the resulting chaos that could emerge, she has never walked away. She has continuously played the guide of my every step, and guards me from all external aggression.
Yes! She is a women
From my baby steps to my manly pursuits, She has been there
For fair reasons, she bears with my rare condition of bringing the rear to the fore.
Yes to the Four!
Her belief is relief because I can live to fulfill our beliefs, which is life fulfilled
I have brought her tears on countless occasions, tears that brought me fears
I’ve not been the best child, I cannot say I am the best son, but I can say I have the best of mother in the world.
Happy Birthday Mummy.
Godfrey Bawa Afoko
October 11, 2021 at 1:04 pm
She being your mother, she is my sister. I know the role she plays and I encourage her. No matter what a mother is a mother. Years have gone by but she stood the tide. In all this we must thank God.